Gorilla Trekking : Mountain gorilla trekking vs mountain gorilla habituation . Anything to do with mountain gorillas is exciting just at the mention of it. Its more than just the thrill of knowing you’re going to be in the presence of the mighty apes, it’s the whole journey from the city to the gorilla park, to the briefing, then entering the forest, seeing the gorillas and exiting the forest. It’s an experience for a life time. One to remember always and forever.
But well as excited as trekkers are always most of them at the time of booking will ask of the two mountain gorilla trekking and mountain gorilla habituation which is better. In this article we detail the similarities and differences in both activities and we leave you to be the judge of what is better or what is not.
Mountain gorilla trekking and mountain gorilla habituation are both experiences to see gorillas. In mountain gorilla trekking you trek the forest and when you find the gorillas you will spend with them an hour and then depart the forest. Mountain gorilla habituation on the other hand you trek the forest and when you find the gorillas you spend more than just an hour with them.
For gorillas to be trekked they have to be habituated so mountain gorilla habituation is the art and science of familiarising the gorillas with people or human presence in preparation for them being a trek able gorilla family. So gorillas that are habituated are usually not used to be and are fearful in rare cases hostile. during the habituation progress the humans help them get used to the human presence
Gorilla that are seen on a mountain gorilla trekking experience are already habituated and quite used to people presence that’s why you will only spend an hour in their presence. Plus the gorillas that are trekked are not running away or hostile.

The rules of both Mountain gorilla trekking and mountain gorilla habituation are the same nothing changes really and they include:- not trekking while you are ill, trek only if you are 15 and over, do not use flash photography, do not touch the gorillas, do not feed the gorillas, keep at least a 7 m distance between you and the gorillas, do not engage in anything that may cause harm to the gorillas and the gorilla habitat, do not cough or squeeze into the gorillas or in front of the gorillas; among other rules. The rules are usually communicated at the briefing and even prior to the trekking experience.
In Mountain gorilla trekking; the trekking group of eight people is led by a trekking guide or ranger who is coordinating with another ranger to take the trekkers where a particular habituated family is at the moment. On the hand during mountain gorilla habituation the trekker group of usually 5 or 6 definitely less than 8, will be led by a ranger who tracks the different gorilla families until you find them. Usually the people who go for habituation are animal scholars, primatologists and different officials. So they are quite few and very keen on different aspects of the gorillas and the entire trek.
All mountain gorillas usually in deep areas of the forest so it takes a while to get to them and for those being habituated, it really takes a while to get to them because they are in hiding from people unlike the ones trekked that are already used to people presence.
Talking about cost, mountain gorilla trekking is less pricing costing 300,000 Ugx for Ugandan, USD 500 for Africans, USD 700 for foreign residents and USD 800 for foreign non-residents. On the other mountain gorilla habituation costs 750,000 Ugx for Ugandan and EAC, USD 1000 for Africans, USD 1000 for foreign residents and USD 1500 for foreign non-residents
Questions about mountain gorilla trekking?
Mountain gorilla trekking is one of the most sought-after safari activities done in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Over 10,000 people visit either Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Bwindi National Park and Mgahinga National Park in Uganda and Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo to have a chance to see and enjoy the beautiful mountain gorillas in their habitats. Well as sought after as these this activity is, is as many questions as tour operators receive about this activity.
So below we answer some of those questions to give you an insight into the mountain gorilla trekking experience.
- So, what is mountain gorilla trekking in itself?
Mountain gorilla trekking is the activity that allows you to see mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. You trek into the mountainous forest until you reach the gorillas and when you find them you spend an hour with them observing their beauty and how they go about their life.
- How much does a gorilla trekking experience cost?
The cost is dependent on where you are trekking. It will cost USD 700 in Uganda, USD 1,500 in Rwanda, and USD 400 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
- How can do you book a gorilla trekking experience?
Best and easiest way is through a tour operator. However, you can also book online on the Uganda Wildlife Authority website.
- How early should I book for this experience?
Depends on the country you are planning to trek in. In Uganda 3 – 5 months, Rwanda 2-3 months and the Democratic Republic of Congo anytime.
- If I fail to make it on that d-day can I change my trekking date?
It depends – if you communicate prior with a valid reason change can be made at no cost, if you just fail to show up for the experience no change is made, you have missed the trek and lost your money, if the park cancels, the change is made at no cost too.
- If I fail to make it to the trekking destination, If my permit fee refunded?
Unfortunately, mountain gorilla trekking permit fees are not refunded but your trekking experience can be rescheduled in the worst case scenario, the fee can be transferred to another person of your choice; this rarely happens though; only in exceptional situations.
- What is the best time for mountain gorilla trekking?
Best time for doing the activity itself is in the morning through to the mid-morning or early afternoon, depending on where you are having your experience from the whole trek can take up to 6 to 7 hours so the earlier you start the better.
When we talk about time of the year think of June to August and December to February. Though mountain gorilla trekking is done all year round.
- What is the right outfit for mountain gorilla trekking?
Comfortable clothing will always be the best for any safari experience. For mountain gorilla trekking add hiking shoes, long-sleeved shirts, long pants, a hat, gloves, insect repellent, waterproof jacket, snack pack.
- Will I really see mountain gorillas on the trekking experience?
In Uganda and Rwanda, your chances of seeing the mountain gorillas on a trekking experience are 99%. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the chances are 70- 30%. In a nutshell you will see the gorillas on your trekking experience.
- Are there risks associated with mountain gorilla trekking?
Yes, and that’s why one you are requested to be fit enough to be able to take on the trekking experience, you cannot trek if you are sick, and most of all you have a trekking guide with you all the time to guide you through the trek. Some risks you many find are the physical demand on the rough terrains, encountering wild animals on your way and altitude sickness.