Wildlife In Ngorongoro
Wildlife In Ngorongoro
Wildlife In Ngorongoro: Ngorongoro crater is a home of wildlife harbouring all the African Big 5. The crater has a population of over 25,000 animals where most of them are ungulates with high density of predators not only in Africa but the whole world. The wildlife in ngorongoro includes largely of the large mammals that include the rare Black Rhinos which its population reduced in 1964 -1966, the Hippopotamus scientifically called Hippopotamus amphibious and buffalo scientifically called Syncerus caffer where some books it’s called Cape Buffalo. Other ungulate animals are the wildebeest (Blue wildebeest) called Connochaes taurinus, gazelles, Eland, Zebras, Waterbucks among others.
Wildlife in Ngorongoro also includes the African big 5 those are Lions, Leopards, Elephants, Buffalo and Rhino.
In Africa the big 5 was among the hardest animals hunters could wish to kill but they could give them hard time to succeed. Ngorongoro crater is one of the unique places one can easily see all the big 5 on one day despite the hardships and unpredictability of nature.
Wildlife in Ngorongoro crater has a worldly record of the lion pride per capita making it one of the few places that home a large number of predators in a small area. Large group of prides roam throughout the crater as they enjoy impressive and powerful sight of the crater. As per the lion census of 2016 in Ngorongoro crater there were around 70 lions that conquer the floor of the crater though the recent statistics show only 60 available.
The Ngorongoro conservation Area Authority have open up conservation efforts in Kopelion to try to bring back and protect the lion population to rapidly grow at the crater.

The Elephants are most majestic creatures you will encounter in every successful and experiential African Safari. The African Bush Elephants are rare to sight now days but this is not the case among the wildlife in Ngorongoro crater as its more like a must see while on your safari in Ngorongoro. Even if the weather is bad, still the guest will see them at the nearby swamp.
African Elephant populations have been dramatically decreasing due to high level of poaching in most of the African countries but the Ngorongoro crater conservation Area Authority have done all their best to protect and conserve these Elephants from poachers. Its estimated that there are around 30 Elephants that are still alive and leaving in Ngorongoro crater with more hopes to see numbers increase soon.

Black Rhinos
The most rare species of the Rhino family, the black Rhinos are the smallest of all the two African Rhino species. Black Rhinos like any other species of Rhinos like browsing around its habitat and they stay in cool place near water areas and most times in Ngorongoro crater you find them near Lake Magadi grazing around there.
Black Rhinos are very shy compared to other Rhino species and this makes them to hide and leave in Thick vegetation areas that cannot easily be accessed publicly. The Black rhinos are some of the endangered species of animals among all the African big 5 but Ngorongoro crater conservation Authority has done more to protect these animals from poachers and lions and this has made the number to be increasing dramatically. And therefore the wildlife in Ngorongoro crater is being conserved.

Cape buffalo or African buffalo is the commonest and widely distributed among all the African big 5 across Africa and their population being the highest due to little deadly predators for them except only lions which even attack them occasionally due to their mode of staying in large groups which scares away the predators. African buffalo is one of the most dangerous animals in the big 5. It takes long to charge like an elephant but once it charges it can kill so guests are advised to give enough space no matter how simple or humble it looks. Among the wildlife in Ngorongoro crater they are estimated to be around 4,000 buffalos leaving here making it the most easily sighted among the big 5

They are very hard to see and Leopards are in the family of the big cats with a rare behaviour that makes it unique on its own. It’s considered to be vulnerable by IUCN red list due to high threat on their natural habitat. In Ngorongoro you can see it on the grass during early morning times or late in the evening but most times stay at the crater rim on top of the trees where it’s both its hideout for hunting or dinning place.
Leopards are well built with muscles which makes it possible to carry prey which can double its weight up to the tree. The leopard’s worst enemy is the Hyena which makes leopards never to leave their food down but takes it high to the tree where it eats comfortably.
The number of leopards in Ngorongoro crater is not clearly known though the authority is trying to a certain the number but still gives them high challenge due to the fat that leopards are always unpredictable in fact they are active throughout the day.

Other Wildlife in Ngorongoro crater
Blue wildebeest
The most common and the famous wildebeest known for the migration across the Northern circuit of Tanzania. The wildebeest are grazers that leave in groups and also move in groups with no leader but everyone is a leader. These animals know all the climatic calendar of Tanzania, when the rains starts, where to be and how to reach that point all in the most systematic way. The wildebeest migration attracts millions of guests to Tanzania with the climax of their annual migration being in Serengeti Mara ecosystem when they cross the Mara River to Kenya Masai Mara national reserve.
Zebras are mesmerising creatures, one of the most common and easily sited animals during your safari to Ngorongoro crater and other national parks of Tanzania. Zebras belong to the horse family, highly social members that leave in groups of 1000’s and most times stick to each other looking the opposite directions for self-defence and protection from the predators.
Wildlife in Ngorongoro crater includes over 6 different species of Antelopes this include Gazelles, Eland, impala and many more. Africa is known to be a home of over 72 different types of antelopes.
Ngorongoro crater also have other permanent habitats like black spotted Hyenas, Jackals and others. Not forgetting different bird species with the most common birds are those that permanently leave here while other migratory birds come between April and November for only breeding. The most sited birds are Secretary bird, Martial Eagle, Ostriches, Great White pelican, crown crested crane, Flamingo, Love birds and many more.