Ngorongoro Crater Map

Ngorongoro Crater Map

Ngorongoro Crater Map

Ngorongoro Crater map  covers a great land area not only Ngorongoro crater but all Ngorongoro Crater conservation area and all its unique ecosystem and attractions found at the Conservation Area. Ngorongoro crater is the main and key attraction in Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area. The crater is the largest inactive, unfilled and intact volcanic caldera in the world.

Ngorongoro crater was formed when one of the highest volcanic mountains in Tanzania collapsed inside around 3 million years ago. The crater is 2000 feet (610 meters) deep with its floor covering an area of 260 square kilometers. The fallen volcanic mountain is estimated to be 4500 meters to 5800 meters high. In altitude, Ngorongoro crater floor is about 5,900 feet (1800 meters) above sea level.

Ngorongoro crater is one of the seven natural wonders of Africa voted in Arusha Tanzania in 2013. Ngorongoro Conservation Area has more similar craters which are still active like Olmoti and Empakaai though they are on small magnitude.

The Ngorongoro Crater Map will show that at the center of Ngorongoro crater is a crater lake called Lake Magadi with salty water that attracts thousands of Flamingos and other water birds and animals. The lake is being drained by small streams like Munge through Olmoti crater on the North, Lerai stream from the South that originates from the Humid forests. The nearby lodges in Ngorongoro around the crater rim extract their water from this Lerai stream. Other major water sources in Ngorongoro crater is Ngoitokitok spring found in the Eastern crater wall. This stream gives a scenic view to the tourists with the combination of the big swamp that is a home of the Elephants and Hippos. The crater lakes and small streams are a source of water to both animals and local Maasai people who leave in the Conservation Area.

Other tourist attractions in Ngorongoro crater included on the Ngorongoro Crater Map include the following:

The local Maasai people: It’s only in the Ngorongoro Crater conservation area that human beings leave together with animals very well. These have boosted cultural tourism to entice the wildlife viewing at the crater area.

Olduvai Gorge: This is situated in the central plains of Ngorongoro conservation area, Olduvai Gorge is where the remains of the early man were discovered by Doctor Leacky and Mary. Oldupai gorge is located in the Eastern side of Serengeti plains in the shadow of Ngorongoro highlands. It’s the driest area in Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Empakaai crater: Empakaai crater is located on the North-east of Ngorongoro crater around 40 kilometers. The only active volcano in Tanzania gives you a great view of Empakaai crater and Oldoinyo lengai view.

All these feathers and more will be found on the Ngorongoro Crater Map.

All these Olmoti Crater: This is one of the craters around the Ngorongoro Crater conservation area, it’s one of the key tourist’s attractions around Ngorongoro crater area. Olmoti crater floor is shallow and covered by short grass, the Masaai people leave around the crater with their livestock as well as wildlife like buffalos, zebras, eland and many more. The crater is drained by Munge river that originates from the crater walls water that crosses the plummets and caldera down over the cliffs.

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